Launched in 2017, the Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) is a global, independent think tank organized to study the strategic implications of blockchain for business, government and society.
Joel Telpner, Sullivan partner and head of the firm's Fintech and Blockchain Practice, was named to the BRI's faculty shortly after its launch.

Last May, BRI held its first Regulation Roundtable, an international conference held to address the regulatory challenges presented by blockchain. Joel participated as a facilitator to several of the conference's panels, commenting that, "anyone who thinks that blockchain is beyond regulatory reach should think again, as should those who believe self-regulation is the only road forward."
The full summary of the proceedings offers a glimpse of the ongoing discussion about how this new technology will be regulated (as a commodity, security, utility, all, none?), and how the legal landscape is developing.
The fintech and blockchain industry is growing rapidly worldwide. Joel is a frequent speaker at many of these events--check out photos of some of the most recent ones on his LinkedIn page.