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Boston Partner Ashley Brooks selected for inclusion among Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly's "Top Women of Law"

Posted by Amy E. Sheridan on Aug 6, 2018 9:30:00 AM

Congratulations to Ashley Brooks, who was recently honored by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly as one of its "Top Women of Law." This designation is a prestigious award recognizing attorneys who "have made tremendous personal strides and demonstrated great accomplishments in the legal field, which includes pro bono, social justice, advocacy and business."

Congratulations to Ashley (5)

Ashley was recognized not only for her strong commercial real estate practice, but also for her leadership in the legal industry and in social justice reform. The issue of affordable housing is a priority for Ashley and she has spent decades working with organizations to find solutions. In addition to holding a variety of positions at Heading Home, an organization that provides emergency, transitional and permanent housing and support services to homeless families and individuals in the Boston area, she is a trustee of Lawrence Model Lodging House Trust and is spearheading a pro bono project with InspireDC Affordable Housing Coalition to help develop vacant properties owned by the Methodist church in Washington, DC as affordable housing.

Ashley is co-leader of the firm's real estate practice group and co-chair of the firm's Diversity & Inclusion Committee.

Ashley and the other award recipients will be honored at a ceremony on October 18 in Boston.

The full press release may be viewed here.

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