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Robert Franklin

Robert is a project finance lawyer with an extensive track record advising sponsors, lenders, investors and public authorities in relation to the development and implementation of infrastructure and energy projects in a wide range of industry sectors, including renewable energy, social infrastructure, telecommunications, transport and natural resources. He has advised on numerous projects outside the UK, with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. Robert's experience covers a wide range of debt products and capital structures for both greenfield and brownfield assets, as well as other limited or non-recourse financing techniques (acquisition finance, asset finance and reserve based lending) and secured and unsecured corporate lending. Since 2015 Robert has been an advisory board member of Invest in Africa, a not for profit organisation which promotes SME development in Ghana, Kenya and Senegal through a range of market interventions including web-based platforms and capacity building training.

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Talking Trade Finance is here to provide you with all of the latest updates in the Trade & Export Finance Industry.

The material on this site is for general information only and is not legal advice. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage which may result from reliance on it. Always consult a qualified lawyer about a specific legal problem.

Meet the Editor


Ellis Lawson is a partner in the Trade & Export Finance Group in Sullivan's London office. He has extensive experience across a wide range of finance products and geographies, having spent significant portions of his career based both in London and in the Middle East and having advised on transactions across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Ellis is also a speaker for Sullivan's Trade & Export Finance webinars.


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