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Nicholas O'Donnell

Nick’s practice focuses primarily on complex civil litigation. He represents manufacturers, individuals, investment advisers, banks, and others around the world in contract, securities, consumer protection, tort and domestic relations cases, with particular experience in the German-speaking world. He is also the editor of the Art Law Report, a blog that provides timely updates and commentary on legal issues in the museum and visual arts communities, one of his areas of expertise. Nick is a member of the Art Law Committee of the New York City Bar Association. Additionally, Nick has authored and contributed to several books on art law: — A Tragic Fate—Law and Ethics in the Battle Over Nazi-Looted Art, (Ankerwyke/ABA Publishing, 2017) — “Public Trust or Private Business? Deaccessioning Law and Ethics in the United States,” in Éthique et Patrimoine Culturel - Regard Croisés, G. Goffaux, ed., (L’Harmattan, 2016) — “Vergangenheit als Zukunft? Restitutionsstreitigkeiten in den Vereinigten Staaen,” in Ersessene Kunst—Der Fall Gurlitt, J. Heil and A. Weber, eds., (Metropol, 2015) — “Nazi-Looted Art—Risks and Best Practices for Museums,” in The Legal Guide for Museum Professionals, Julia Courtney, ed., (2015, Rowman & Littlefield)

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Hungarian World War II Restitution Case Will Go Forward

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on September 15, 2011 at 8:15 AM

The United States District Court has allowed significant parts of the claim brought by claimed heirs of Baron Mor Lipot Herzog to go forward. The decision is significant for several reasons. First, it is the most prominent restitution case currently at the trial level, and the case will now proceed into discovery of the facts. Second, the judge turned away a strong statute of limitations argument, which has been the strong trend in recent restitution cases. On the flip side, the judge found for the defendants on eleven paintings that were the subject of prior litigiation.

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Topics: Hungary, Holocaust, Restitution, Statute of Limitations, World War II, Foreign Sovereign Immunities

Resale Royalty Legislation Revived

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on September 13, 2011 at 8:10 AM

Picking up a torch last carried by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, lobbying efforts are underway to enact into U.S. federal law a droit de suite right enjoyed in the U.K. and elsewhere, that is, a right for an artist to be compensated upon subsequent sales of his or her work. American law has long resisted the concept of secondary market compensation for artists, and Kennedy’s efforts to write droite de suite into American law failed in the course of the enactment of the Visual Artists Rights Act in 1987. European nations have struggled to quantify the effect of inconsistent droite de suite legislation; some argue that the piecemeal regime has simply pushed sales into countries without it, others note that U.K. art sales have continued to rise.

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Topics: Legislation, Resale Royalties, Visual Artists Rights Act, droit de suite, Copyright

The Met Joins Russian Art Embargo Dispute

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on September 8, 2011 at 8:05 AM

In the latest development in one of this year’s farthest-reaching art law issues, the Metropolitian Museum of Art announced in August that it will no longer lend its works of art within the Russian Federation so long as the Russian embargo on U.S. loans persists. The Met had planned to loan works by French designer Paul Poiret to the exhibition “Paul Poiret – King of Fashion” at the Kremlin Museum.

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Topics: Russia, Restitution, World War II, Foreign Sovereign Immunities, Chabad

Welcome to the Art Law Report!

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on September 6, 2011 at 8:00 AM

We are pleased to have you at the first thread of the Art Law Report, a new blog dedicated to the commentary of Nicholas O'Donnell and the Art & Museum Law Group of Sullivan & Worcester LLP. I spent some time in the art historical world before becoming a civil litigator several years ago, and together with my colleagues hope to give fresh perspective to the many legal questions facing the visual arts from many different angles. I hope that our blog will become a resource for you, whatever your relation to the art or legal field.

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Topics: Sullivan & Worcester LLP, Nicholas O'Donnell, Art Law Report

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About the Blog

The Art Law Report provides timely updates and commentary on legal issues in the museum and visual arts communities. It is authored by Nicholas M. O'Donnell, partner in our Art & Museum Law Practice.

The material on this site is for general information only and is not legal advice. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage which may result from reliance on it. Always consult a qualified lawyer about a specific legal problem.

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