Making Sense of Canada, Mexico Tariffs in the Art Market
Making Sense of Canada and Mexico Tariffs in the Art Market
Topics: The Art Newspaper, Customs, President, COVID-19, White House, Mexico, Canada, Constitution, Customs and Border Protection, Tariffs, Tariff Act of 1930, Smoot-Hawley, Federal Register, Department of Homeland Security, Higher Education Act of 1965, Notice of Implementation of Additional Duties, International Emergency Economic Powers Act, National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. § 1702(a)(1)(B), Administrative Procedures Act, HEROES Act, Biden v. Nebraska, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo
With New Congress, Resale Royalties Bill and Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity Clarification Act Are Dead (Again)
A quirk of parliamentary procedure is that any bill in Congress exists only for so long as that particular Congress is in session. This week, the 114th Congress took its seats, meaning that any bill not passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and signed by the President, is a dead letter. This is the fate of many, many bills—indeed most.
Topics: Legislation, Resale Royalties, Chuck Close, Moral Rights, Nazi-looted art, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, 28 U.S. § 1605, Art Law Day, 114th Congress, 22 U.S.C. § 2459, City of Amsterdam, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), FSIA, expropriation exception”, droit de suite, IFSA, Foreign Sovereign Immunities, Senate, House of Representatives, Immunity from Seizure Act, President, Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity