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The Monuments Men, Social Media, the Law and Cultural Heritage-November 1, 2013 in New York

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on October 25, 2013 at 12:12 PM

Next Friday November 1, 2013, the Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation is holding its annual conference, and hosting and event entitled "The Monuments Men, Social Media, the Law and Cultural Heritage." It is being held at Fordham Law School, Lincoln Center Campus, 140 W. 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023, from 8:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Scheduled speakers include Robert Edsel and Lynn Nicholas. This is an all-star cast.

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Topics: Darius Arya, Leila Amineddoleh, Chasing Aphrodite, Thomas R. Kline, George Clooney, Lynn Nicholas, Richard B. Jackson, The Rape of Europa, Diane Penneys Edelman, Robert Edsel, Lucille Roussin, Lincoln Center, Fordham Law School, Jason Felch, Irina Tarsis, Elizabeth Varner, Salam al-Kuntar, Events, David D’Arcy, Monuments Fine Arts and Archives Program, Holocaust Restitution and Claims Practicum, National Art Museum of Sport, World War II, Monica Dugot, Anne Rothfeld, Portrait of Wally, Marc Masurovsky, Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservat, Corine Wegener, Laurie W. Rush, James McAndrew

5th Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute November 16, 2012

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on November 13, 2012 at 11:48 AM

I'll be winging my way to Houston, but otherwise I would be at the New York County Lawyers' Association's 5th Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute event on Friday, November 16, 2012. Anyone interested should not miss it.

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Topics: Legislation, Renee Vara, Hon. Delissa Ridgway, William Pearlstein, Alexandra Darraby, Cultural Heritage Partners, Hon. Barbara Jaffe, Michael McCullough, Ann Lydecker, Hon. Nicholas Garaufis, Hon. Sherry Klein Heitler, John Cahill, Hon. Kristin Booth Glen, Cook Maran & Associates, Mitchell Silberg & Knupp LLP, Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe LLP, Chris Robinson, Ralph Lerner, Christine Lepera, Hon. Helen Freedman, Helen Allen, Vara Art, Hon Stephen G. Crane, Kirsten Squires, Marion Werkheiser, L. Eden Burgess, Restitution, Events, Grunfeld Desiderio Lebowitz Silverman Klestadt LLP, Herrick Feinstein LLP, The Art Law Firm, PLLC, Raymond J. Dowd, Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP, Darlene Fairman, Cirkers Fine Art Storage & Logistics, Maura Kehoe Collins Artiphile, Art Artifact Architecture & Museum Law, Sharon Levin, James McAndrew, Judith Bresler

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The Art Law Report provides timely updates and commentary on legal issues in the museum and visual arts communities. It is authored by Nicholas M. O'Donnell, partner in our Art & Museum Law Practice.

The material on this site is for general information only and is not legal advice. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage which may result from reliance on it. Always consult a qualified lawyer about a specific legal problem.

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