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Appraisers Association of America Art Law Day at NYU, November 6, 2015

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on September 15, 2015 at 6:34 AM

I always look forward to registering for Art Law Day: Current Legal Issues for Appraisers, Attorneys, and Collectors hosted by the NYU School of Professional Studies and the Appraisers Association of America (in connection with the AAA annual meeting). This year’s schedule has been announced, and as usual it is excellent. Hope to see you there.

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Topics: Heather Gray, Studio Legale Jacobacci & Associati, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz P.C., Howard Spiegler, ARIS Title Insurance Corporation, John Cahill, Diana Wierbicki, Inc., Gary S. Castle, Baker & McKenzie, Art Law Day, Elysium Management LLC, Judith Pearson, Huntington T. Block, Linda Sandell, Gurr Johns, Adria Hillman, Lori Spector Fine Art, Ann-Marie Richard, Amy Goldrich, Marnin Michaels, Events, Massimo Sterpi, Elizabeth von Habsburg, Cahill Partners LLP, Ronald Minkoff, Robert Suiter, Herrick Feinstein LLP, Anchin Block & Anchin LLP, Zürich, Winston Art Group, Withers Bergman LLP, Lori Spector

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The Art Law Report provides timely updates and commentary on legal issues in the museum and visual arts communities. It is authored by Nicholas M. O'Donnell, partner in our Art & Museum Law Practice.

The material on this site is for general information only and is not legal advice. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage which may result from reliance on it. Always consult a qualified lawyer about a specific legal problem.

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