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ABA Journal Opens Voting on “Blog 100”—Here Are My Votes

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on July 30, 2015 at 6:34 AM

The ABA Journal has opened voting again on its annual “Blog 100,” a roll of notable legal blogs. I’ve submitted votes for the following blogs (in no particular order), which I have bookmarked and consult regularly. The great thing about blogging, I have found, is the ability it gives the reader (and the blogger) to survey multiple perspectives on a subject. So when resale royalties are under discussion, or fair use, I don’t want to read only articles that I agree with or that take the same approach that I would. I also want to hear something I never would have thought of, and expand the conversation.

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Topics: Donn Zaretsky, Paul Howcroft, ABA Journal, Stropheus, Blogs, Judith Prowda, Art Law & More, London, Peter Bert, Fladgate LLP, Richard Lehun, Constantine Cannon LLP, Irina Tarsis, Blog 100, Azmina Jasani, Pierre Valentin, Silberman and Associates, Dispute Resolution in Germany, Art@Law, Boodle Hatfield LLP, Taylor Wessing, Natalia Mikolajczyk, Private Art Investor, The Art Law Blog, Art Law London, Becky Shaw, Tim Maxwell, Center for Art Law, Frankfurt

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The Art Law Report provides timely updates and commentary on legal issues in the museum and visual arts communities. It is authored by Nicholas M. O'Donnell, partner in our Art & Museum Law Practice.

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