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Responsible Art Market Initiative (NY) Series: Risks in the Contemporary Art Market Focus on Data & Analytics

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on October 14, 2024 at 2:26 PM

As co-chair (with Birgit Kurtz) of the New York chapter of the Responsible Art Market Initiative, I hope you will join us for a two-part webinar focusing on data in the art market. The webinars will take place on October 30, 2024, and November 6, 2024. Registration is available here.

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Topics: Emigrant Bank Fine Art Finance, Yale University, Suzanne Gyorgy, Winston Art Group, Responsible Art Market initiative, Nanne Dekking, Artory, Charles Moffett Gallery, ArtTactic, Magnus Resch, Minerva Pinto, Goldman Sachs, Ann Tenenbaum, Erica Barrish, EAB Fine Art Services, Charles Moffett, Jr., Anders Petterson

Responsible Art Market Initiative (New York) to Hold Webinar Series on Money Laundering and Corporate Transparency

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on October 21, 2020 at 4:09 PM
Longtime readers of the Art Law Report will know of the remarkable success over the last several years of the Responsible Art Market Initiative in Geneva. RAM began initially in connection with a collaboration by the Art Law Centre at the University of Geneva and the Art Law Foundation (Fondation pour le droit de d’art), also in Geneva. RAM has held annual events in Geneva at artgeneve for several years. Indeed, the RAM event this past January was one of the last times I was able to visit Europe before the world shut down.
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Topics: sanctions, Pryor Cashman LLP, Pippa Loengard, Irina Tarsis, Sullivan & Worcester LLP, Suzanne Gyorgy, Megan Noh, Center for Art Law, RAM, Responsible Art Market initiative, Money laundering, CitiBank, Birgit Kurtz, Nanne Dekking, Artory, Lockton Companies, Andrew Schoelkopf, Elaine Wood, Charles River Associates, Jill Arnold Bull

Building a Responsible Art Market in New York May 23, 2019

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on April 29, 2019 at 5:48 PM

As promised, here are the details and registration information for the Responsible Art Market initiative's inaugural US event on May 23, 2019 at Columbia University.  The preliminary program is below (some sponsors still pending), sign up today today to attend (free)! 

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Topics: Jane Levine, Switzerland, Appraisers Association of America, Suzanne Gyorgy, Sotheby's, Megan Noh, ARTnews, Art Law Centre, University of Geneva, Responsible Art Market initiative, Justine Ferland, CitiBank, PAIAM, Sarah Douglas, Birgit Kurtz, Gibbons P.C., Rebecca Fine, Athena Art Finance Corp., Pryor Cashman, Linda Selvin, Jennifer Mass, Scientific Analysis of Fine Art, LLC

Event: A Responsible Art Market in Practice, February 1, 2019 in Geneva

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on January 9, 2019 at 11:32 AM

Readers of the Art Law Report know that for several years running now, I have enjoyed events in Geneva organized by the Art Law Foundation and the Responsible Art Market Initiative in January/February.  I am happy to report that this year is no exception.  RAM is presenting its latest event “A Responsible Art Market in Practice,” to be held on Friday February 1, 2019 at the Palexpo in the venue of the artgenève fair.  After joining the RAM Taskforce and contributing to its Toolkit and country guide for the US, I am pleased to be presenting one of the case studies, in between a roster of distinguished speakers and experts.  I hope to see you there! 

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Topics: Art Law Foundation, The Art Newspaper, Geneva, artgenève, Sandrine Giroud, Lalive, Irina Tarsis, Sullivan & Worcester LLP, Suzanne Gyorgy, Georgina Adam, Nicholas M. O'Donnell, Art Law Centre, Mathilde Heaton, Jean-Bernard Schmid, Responsible Art Market initiative, Phillips, Financial Times, Palexpo, Justine Ferland, Carine Decroi, Artcurial, Philippe Davet, CitiBank, Aude Lemogne, Ochsner & associés, Roland Foord, Stephenson Harwood, Association Marché d’Art Suisse, Blondeau & Cie, Andreas Ritter

Sullivan & Worcester LLP Art and Estate Planning Panel With Citi Private Bank Postponed

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on April 4, 2012 at 6:31 AM

The joint panel presentation by Sullivan & Worcester LLP’s Art and Museum Law Group (home of your Art Law Report) and Citi Private Bank next Wednesday, April 11, 2012 in Boston that I was scheduled to moderate with Cornelius J. Murray, III, Trust & Estates Practice Chair, Sullivan & Worcester LLP; Suzanne Gyorgy, Head of Art Advisory & Finance, Citi Private Bank; and Brian Bandler, Director, Wealth Planner, Citi Private Bank has been postponed.

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Topics: Sullivan & Worcester LLP, Art and Museum Law Group, Suzanne Gyorgy, Art Law Report

Sullivan & Worcester LLP joins with Citi Private Bank to Explore Art and Estate Planning

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on March 12, 2012 at 10:21 AM

I am delighted to announce a joint presentation by Sullivan & Worcester LLP’s Art and Museum Law Group (home of your Art Law Report) and Citi Private Bank. On April 11, 2012 here in Boston we will host a discussion of Art Advisory and Estate Planning. Panelists will include Cornelius J. Murray, III, Trust & Estates Practice Chair, Sullivan & Worcester LLP; Suzanne Gyorgy, Head of Art Advisory & Finance, Citi Private Bank; and Brian Bandler, Director, Wealth Planner, Citi Private Bank. The panelists will address the complex art needs of private clients, including the rules that organizations and donors must understand in order to maximize tax benefits and avoid unintended pitfalls. I will be there to moderate what I expect will be a fascinating discussion.

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Topics: III, Collections, Sullivan & Worcester LLP, Suzanne Gyorgy, Estate Planning, Art Law Report

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About the Blog

The Art Law Report provides timely updates and commentary on legal issues in the museum and visual arts communities. It is authored by Nicholas M. O'Donnell, partner in our Art & Museum Law Practice.

The material on this site is for general information only and is not legal advice. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage which may result from reliance on it. Always consult a qualified lawyer about a specific legal problem.

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