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Allentown Art Museum to Auction Cranach Painting Once Owned by Collector Persecuted in Nazi Germany

Posted by Nicholas O'Donnell on August 26, 2024 at 10:51 AM

I was proud to advise the Allentown Art Museum, which announced today that it has reached an agreement with the heirs of Henry and Hertha Bromberg concerning Portrait of George, Duke of Saxony by Lucas Cranach the Elder and his workshop. Pursuant to the agreement, the painting will be auctioned at Christie’s in New York next year following educational programming focusing on the painting’s history. The Museum’s press release can be read here. The story was also addressed in an excellent article in The New York Times by Graham Bowley.

(Portrait of George the Bearded, Duke of Saxony, by Lucas Cranach the Elder and workshop)

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Topics: Graham Bowley, Paris, Washington Conference Principles, Christie's, Hamburg, Lucas Cranach the Elder, The New York Times, Nazi-confiscated art, Henry Bromberg, Hertha Bromberg, Martin Bromberg, Max Weintraub, Reichsfluchtsteuer, Allen Loebl, F. Kleinberger Gallery, property inventory, Allentown Art Museum, Portrait of George the Bearded Duke of Saxony, Porträt des Georg dem Bärtigen Herzog von Sachsen, Vermögensverzeichnis, Wildenstein

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The Art Law Report provides timely updates and commentary on legal issues in the museum and visual arts communities. It is authored by Nicholas M. O'Donnell, partner in our Art & Museum Law Practice.

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