I will be speaking on September 21, 2022 through the Boston Bar Association on a webinar panel entitled “Issues on Art, Artifacts and Archeology.” The event is organized by the BBA International Law Section Steering Committee, of which I am incoming co-chair. I am delighted to join an expert panel (myself excluded) consisting of Victoria Reed, the Sadler Curator of Provenance at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, archaeologist Ashley Mason, and fellow attorney (and International Law Section member) Malgorzata A. Mrózek of Fitch Law Partners LLP. Registration is now open here. the program description is below, hope to see some old friends and new!
Join the BBA’s International Law Section for a cross-disciplinary conversation about the legal, archaeological, and institutional implications of looted artifacts, their ownership, and repatriation. Over the past few years two Supreme Court cases have involved issues implicating international law and allegedly stolen art works. Additionally, museums across the nation and world have been returning pieces from their collections to the artifact’s nation of origin. This program will be a conversation with one of the leading legal practitioners in cases involving allegedly looted art, an archaeologist, and the Curator for Provenance at the Museum of Fine Arts. The panelists will discuss recent cases involving allegedly looted artifacts, consequences for scholarship when artifacts are removed from their primary sites, and how museums examine the provenance of pieces in their collections.